Thursday, October 20, 2011

Training Day 13

I'm really happy with how our workout went today! We keep going farther and our pace just gets quicker and quicker.  I'm so proud of us!  Mental training still sucks, but I can see little improvements every day and that makes me so happy.

I wanted to give you a link to these great polar fleece jackets that I bought at Target.  When I got to the site online, they were even more on sale!  $13 online for fantastic plus size fleece jackets.  Perfect for your Princess Training!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Training Day 11 - Doom & Gloom

This video is where I bitch and moan for 1.41 miles down the river path. 
Apologies in advance, but the nice thing is that I've warned you. 
So... have you noticed yet how much I say "so"? 
Thanks to @RNawaymama for getting me out the door.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lazy Monday

I was a very bad girl today.  It should have been a training day and instead I stayed home.  No excuses, I simply didn't go.  I need to make sure that I get out tomorrow!

My Week Two Training Report got mailed to me: 
3 Work Outs
3.69 Total Miles

I want to try and make Week 3 Better!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Training Day 8

What a great walk!  It's taken almost two weeks (we started walking a week before I decided I was "training") but I'm finally feeling good after being out there walking.  That is instead of feeling like I'm going to die after walking.  I knew that if I just kept at it eventually it would be okay, I'm thrilled that it came after only two weeks instead of a month or more.

We decided that we would do another week at 1.3 miles since we're feeling good with that distance there's no reason to stay at just 1 mile. We'll do 1.3 for a bit and then by the end of next week I think we'll move up to 1.5 miles for our regular walk. We'll probably be doing 2 miles by mid-November if the weather holds out and we can keep walking outside.

After our walk Tori and I stopped at Target and got some more work out gear, long sleeves so that we can keep training outside as the weather continues to get colder.  I'm hoping that we have at least another month before the snow hits and we have to move to the treadmill in the Y. I am dreading the move inside, walking on the treadmill just isn't the same as being outside. Are you training? How has it been going for you?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Training Day 6

7:55AM -- Today was a hard day to get motivated.  I hurt and it's dark and rainy outside, not motivating.  I'm just not hard core enough to go walk out in the rain.  So, I took some Advil (who I think should sponsor my life let alone this blog), I ate a little breakfast (frozen waffles for the win), and now I'm sipping some coffee.  Motivation will come, I'll make it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Training Day 4

I thought that put up a link to the Hal Higdon 5K Walking Training Plan in case any of my fellow beginner Princesses are looking for a place to start.  It's a great if you're looking to do you're first 5K as a walker.  Hal Higdon is a highly respected name in the running and race walking community.

I also recommend Jeff Galloway's book "Walking:The Complete Book".
Jeff Galloway Walking Book 
Jeff has teamed up with Disney as the official runDisney Training Consultant. Most of his runDisney training focuses on running, but this book is a fantastic place to start for walkers too! It will give you a better idea of not only what happens in your body when walking, but talks about how to better burn calories, offers training plans, advice on gear and offers suggestions as to what may be going wrong when you get those aches and pains. I notice that my copy is well worn as I pull it out once again to get moving.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Stupid Headache

I'm glad that I had planned on taking today as a rest day because I suffered from a horrific migraine headache for most of the day. 

I did however get a little bit of work done.  I was able to send off a pitch to Global Resort Homes in an attempt to get a sponsor for our hotel room over Princess Half Marathon Weekend in February.

Week 1 Stats from Daily Mail say I did the following:
Total Distance (mi)
Total Calories
Total Time
00:35     (That's wrong, I think I forgot to enter a time for my walk)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Training Day 2

Yesterday I started going back to the gym because I was freaking out over the fact that Disney Moms Panel announcement was being made.  I went to work out to clear my head and help me focus.  Later that afternoon  I found out that I was rejected, for the third year in a row.

Somehow, before the night was over, some of my friends had convinced me that a good consolation prize would be running the Royal Family 5K in Orlando in February.  I'm not sure how 4 months of grueling training, spending $1000, and getting a plastic medal is a prize, but I'm just going with it. LOL!

In the past 24 hours I've gone from tears, to planning another Disney Trip with my friends.

What did I do at the Gym Today?
Stationary Bike 5.63 Miles

How do I feel?
I really hurt :-/