Saturday, October 15, 2011

Training Day 8

What a great walk!  It's taken almost two weeks (we started walking a week before I decided I was "training") but I'm finally feeling good after being out there walking.  That is instead of feeling like I'm going to die after walking.  I knew that if I just kept at it eventually it would be okay, I'm thrilled that it came after only two weeks instead of a month or more.

We decided that we would do another week at 1.3 miles since we're feeling good with that distance there's no reason to stay at just 1 mile. We'll do 1.3 for a bit and then by the end of next week I think we'll move up to 1.5 miles for our regular walk. We'll probably be doing 2 miles by mid-November if the weather holds out and we can keep walking outside.

After our walk Tori and I stopped at Target and got some more work out gear, long sleeves so that we can keep training outside as the weather continues to get colder.  I'm hoping that we have at least another month before the snow hits and we have to move to the treadmill in the Y. I am dreading the move inside, walking on the treadmill just isn't the same as being outside. Are you training? How has it been going for you?

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