Tuesday, January 10, 2012

And I'm Feeling Good...

Tori and I had a GREAT walk today which is surprising because we're both sick.  However, I felt pretty dern good, and didn't have to lay down on the bench at the end of our workout.  I felt pretty strong.  Our pace was a little slower than our last walk, but hey... we're sick.

I think that the new training schedule that we're adhering to is really working well.  The goal is just to get out and move for an hour at a time.  I'm not worrying about what my pace is or how far I'm going, I just need to get out and do something for a whole hour.  I want to be sure that we have enough cardio strength to sustain exercise for that length of time.  Which is about the length of time that I want to finish the 5K in.  

Right now we're working on a two days on one day off schedule, which gives us a workout 5 days a week.  We're trying to go Bike/Walk/Rest  Bike/Walk/Rest  Bike/Walk/Rest

So far so good, but it's only been a week! We need to keep this up at the very least until February 22nd.

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