Sunday, February 24, 2013

Presidential Active Lifestyle Award +

Saturday I spent a couple of hours creating My 2014 Princess Half Marathon Training Plan in iCal.  It's my Ride-Walk-Rest schedule with the mileage ramp-ups from Jeff Galloway's 2013 Princess Plan mixed in.  I've got 52 weeks to make this happen and I'm as determined as ever, getting that plan to fit in nicely with the rest of the family's schedule... that's another story, but we'll see how it goes.  Tori doesn't want to go to the gym before she goes to work, so we're going to have to get some evening work outs in the plan so that she can move forward in her training plan too.   There's going to have to be some sort of compromise made.


This morning I signed up to participate in the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award + Challenge.  It dovetails nicely with my training plan for the 1/2 Marathon, so I figured why not.   Through the challenge website you can log your progress and track your goals.  The program requirements for adults age 18 years and older are:
  • Physical activity. You need to be active 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, for 6 out of 8 weeks. As an alternative, you can count your daily activity steps using a pedometer (goal: 8,500).
  • Healthy eating. Each week, you’ll also focus on a healthy eating goal. There are eight to choose from, and each week you will add a new goal while continuing with your previous goals. By the end of the six weeks, you’ll be giving your body more of the good stuff it needs.


Right now I just need to create the healthy habits of going to the gym 5 days a week and watching what I eat a little better than before.  My Ride-Walk-Rest schedule gets me moving 5 days a week, so that's right on point.  This week my food goal is to drink water instead of a sugary liquid.

Now... if I can just remember to fill out the tracker. LOL!

Are you looking to create some healthy habits?  Why not join me and sign up for the PALA+ yourself!?

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