I spent the day downtown Chicago with my girls yesterday, and today I feel like a truck has hit me. My pain levels are through the roof! Seriously having Fibromyalgia SUCKS! But... so does being old and fat. How on earth am I going to make it through Disney in June? I need to make some changes in my routine. I've gained a bunch a weight over the past year and I just need to get this under control or I have no hope at all of doing that 1/2 Marathon next year.
Okay... here's my plan as it stands...
1) My wine consumption needs to go WAY down. The only major changes that have occurred since I started putting on this weight is that I am drinking a LOT more wine. Empty calories that I do not need. Wine is getting relegated to a once a week treat.
2) I need to cut pork and red meat out of my diet. Last time I did that I managed to lose a ton of weight without really trying. Seriously it melted off of me. I'm crossing my fingers that will be the case again.
3) If Tori and I don't get back to the gym consistantly there is no way we're going to be able to run the Princess next year. Now, honestly I'd rather try for the 10K bu I really want a pretty Princess Medal. We know that if we don't go together we don't get a work out in. We're going to have to suck it up and starting going to the gym after I pick her up from work at night. We HATE working out at night, but this is the only way that we're going to get this done. We're going to shoot for 3x's a week like in Jeff Galloway's Marathon Training Plan.
Three fairly small, fairly simple changes. Hopefully ones that are going to make a BIG difference.
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