Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Safe Fun in the Sun

Enjoying the outdoors in the warm summer months can be a great way to motivate yourself to exercise. However, the damaging effects of excessive heat and sun exposure can counteract the benefits of physical activity. Heat-related illnesses range from mild to life-threatening, so use the following tips from the Mayo Clinic to safely enjoy the outdoors this summer:

Pay attention to warning signs. 
During hot-weather exercise, watch for signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. If you ignore these symptoms, your condition can worsen, resulting in a medical emergency. Signs and symptoms include:
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
If you develop any of these symptoms, you must lower your body temperature and get hydrated. Stop exercising immediately and get out of the heat. If possible, have someone stay with you who can help monitor your condition. Remove extra clothing or sports equipment. Drink fluids - water or a sports drink. If possible, fan your body or wet down your body with cool water. If you don't feel better within 30 minutes, contact your doctor. If you have signs of heatstroke, seek immediate medical help.
Watch the temperature.  
Pay attention to weather forecasts and heat alerts. Know what the temperature is expected to be for the duration of your planned outdoor activity.
Get acclimated.  
If you're used to exercising indoors or in cooler weather, take it easy at first when you exercise in the heat. As your body adapts to the heat over the course of one to two weeks, gradually increase the length and intensity of your workouts.

Know your fitness level.  
If you're unfit or new to exercise, be extra cautious when working out in the heat. Your body may have a lower tolerance to the heat. Reduce your exercise intensity and take frequent breaks.

Drink plenty of fluids. 
Dehydration is a key factor in heat illness. Help your body sweat and cool down by staying well hydrated with water. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. If you plan to exercise intensely or for longer than one hour, consider a sports drink instead of water. Sports drinks can replace the sodium, chloride and potassium you lose through sweating. Avoid alcoholic drinks because they can actually promote fluid loss.

Dress appropriately.  
Lightweight, loose fitting clothing helps sweat evaporate and keeps you cooler. Avoid dark colors, which can absorb heat. If possible, wear a light-colored, wide-brimmed hat.

Avoid midday sun.  
Exercise in the morning or evening, when it's likely to be cooler outdoors. If possible, exercise in shady areas - or do a water workout in a pool.
Wear sunscreen.  
A sun burn decreases your body's ability to cool itself [and increases risk of skin cancer].
Have a backup plan.  
If you're concerned about the heat or humidity, stay indoors. Work out at the gym, walk laps inside the mall or climb stairs inside an air-conditioned building.

Understand your medical risks.  
Certain medical conditions or medications can increase your risk of a heat-related illness. If you plan to exercise in the heat, talk to your doctor about precautions.
Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/exercise/HQ00316/NSECTIONGROUP=2

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Growing Our Own - Getting the Garden Planted

My hubby was out playing in the garden today.  We bought some trellises for the cucumbers so that they would help to shade our basil and keep it from getting sun burnt. The beds are a mess because I wasn't able to manage them last year, they went fallow and the weeds went crazy.   He tilled the beds, but I feel like we're going to be fighting with the weeds for awhile.  We really need to do some clean up on the ground around the beds as well, but that can wait until after the beds are planted.

This year we're hoping to grow potatoes, tomatoes, onions, red bell pepper, jalapenos, cucumbers for slicing and pickling, basil, oregano, thyme, chives and lavender.  We've also been talking about pumpkin and some sort of melon.  LoL... Can you tell we eat a lot of Italian and Mexican?  Another potato tower will go in in a couple of weeks.  Staggering the planting keeps us from getting a zillion pounds of potatoes all at once.

My fibro and my desire for homegrown veggies are not always compatible. I hope that I'll be able to help him with the garden this year.   I helped weed a little bit, but my back is not happy with me, so I came in and took a muscle relaxer. I'm really proud of him getting this together again for us this year!

Here are a few pictures from today!

Photos from 2012 Garden May

Something To Think About .2

Taking a break is okay.

There are times in all of our lives that the best we can do is just gather ourselves together so that when the next day comes we can hit it like a rock star. Taking a day off can be good for both your body and soul.

So go ahead and get all Scarlett for tomorrow is another day.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Does Shopping Count as Exercise?

I know, I've really been slacking when it comes to this blog.  It's problem because I've been in so much pain lately and I'm having a difficult time facing it.


Fibromyalgia is sort of an on and off type of condition.  I'm always in pain, but there are times that it's worse than others.  When it's bad, it's called a "Flare."  For the past two years, I've been fairly flare free, with only difficult point lasting a couple of weeks.  It seems however that with a mountain of new stress in my life,  that my body has decided to rebel.  For the past three weeks I've been worse than I can ever remember.

"But Kristen" you say "You just got back from Disneyland!"

Yes, yes I did... and I spent almost that entire vacation in a wheel chair, took loads of pain killers, and took 2 hour naps every afternoon.  If I hadn't, there's no way on earth I would have been able to manage the  parks.  In fact I even let myself be photographed in the EVC, something I usually go out of my way to avoid.  I just didn't even have the energy to get up.  I know I don't look sick, looks can be deceiving.

So, I haven't been working out at all.  I feel like a total slacker.  I hate feeling this way.  I have made two shopping trips with my girls since we've been home.  They needed formal dresses for an event later this summer... bright orange formals. Tori's we were able to find at GoodWill for $20, Katie's on the other hand I had to suck it up and order from David's Bridal. 

It's not "real" exercise, but it's the best that I can do for now.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Something To Think About .3

Who cares if you go too slow right now, no one ... and I mean no one ... just up and decided to run a marathon overnight. It takes time, and training.

Right now my daughter can walk at my running speed. She'll be breezing along beside me as I huff and puff, and all I can do if laugh and tell her that I hate her. Thank god she's there walking beside me though and she always tells me that it's ok. We snark and the beautiful gazelle like women who lap us again and again.

First I need to build the endurance, after that the speed will come. I will not give up.

What's more important to you when you work out, speed or endurance? Do you ever struggle with it? I'd love to hear your story.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why is it so hard to find plus size workout gear?

                                                             Source: imaginethespirit.wordpress.com via Kristen on Pinterest

I've been so exhausted this week it's all I can do to stay awake. I haven't been working out and I'm barely working, all I seem to do is sleep sleep and sleep some more.  My headache is on day 4, and I have absolutely zero in the creativity bank, which is why my posts have been so lame. I don't suppose the Yoga poses that I've been choosing (like the one above) really count as exercise either.

I did do one thing this week, and that was attempt to buy a new running top at Lane Bryant.  Though they had a big selection this week, everything I wanted in my local store was in a size 18/20 which I am not. HELLO!  Lane Bryant, I'm a fat girl, make me a shirt in a 26.  To Lane Bryant's defense, I was being a little picky, they had tops to fit me, they just weren't the style that I had hoped for.  However, my best friend tells me that I'm lucky to find fat chick running gear at all, because her Lane Bryant carries zippola for her in Chicago. 

I have several Reebok pieces from Lane Bryant that I do love, and I'm happy that I have been able to find some cute clothes to wear while working out.  With the obesity crisis in America being what it is, not being able to find a top you can work out in that fits you really shouldn't be a stumbling block to healthier living.  How are you supposed to want to work out and feel better about yourself, if all you can fit into is ugly, mens, Hanes sweats from Walmart?  No girly girl wants to see seen at the gym looking like a sausage in clothes not even made to fit her.  A bigger, broader selection needs to be found.

I love this outfit, this is the top that I was looking for in store.  Luckily I can get it online at LaneBryant.com.  Do you think that this is too much pink for me?  Is there such a thing?  They did have the shirt in black too.  The fact that there's a running skirt in my size is nothing less than FABULOUS!  I'm pretty happy with the selections, now I just need the cash to buy them!

If you're not built like a runner, but need quality work out gear, I suggest you check out the Reebok line at Lane Bryant.com and see if anything inspires you!   Do you struggle to find cute work out gear?  Do you have a special store that you could share with me?  Leave me a comment and let me know what you're sports clothing struggles are.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Heavily on My Mind: Health Insurance

One of the things that weighs heavy on my mind these days is the lack of health coverage. We've always used our heavily, and since my husband lost his job, we're sort of out in the cold.   I discovered a few days ago that one of my regular prescriptions is on the generic list, that means I'll only have to pay $4. I was so happy when I learned this news, I almost cried. Serious tears.  I had been afraid that I wouldn't be able to afford it any longer and that would mean I would likely never really sleep again.

My family is being proactive with our health and changing our unhealthy habits in an attempt at better living. However, overall the “pray not to get sick” method, isn’t a quality plan. For a girl with Fibromyalgia, removing stress is a key factor in feeling better and having less pain. Getting out of the house and walking is just one of the ways that I relieve stress.

My husband, daughter and I are working, but none of us have healthcare.  The very substance of the American workplace is changing, and it's leaving many people out in the cold as far as healthcare goes. Since I work as an independent contractor I don't have the option of having any benefits one would get as an employee. That raises my stress levels. Today small businesses do have options for providing their workers with group insurance coverage, but it can be just as hard for them to find as it is for the independent contractor to find someone who can provide it.

If you’re a small business owner or self employed consider looking into information about group health insurance not only to benefit you, but to help give your employees the security that they need.  People with peace of mind are much more creative and productive, which only means good things for your business. What ways can you think of to help relieve your employee stress?

Disclaimer: Sponsored editorial post.  All opinions and life experiences expressed are entirely those of the author. Your mileage may vary.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

An annual observance since 1983, National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is promoted by President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition to engage, educate, and empower all Americans to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity. If you haven't already earned your PALA+, maybe you could use this month as inspiration to get started and get recognized as you incorporate more physical activity into your life.

As a part of the month-long celebration, shorter observances also occur throughout May:
  • National Physical Education and Sport Week (May 1-7)
  • National Women's Health Week (May 8 through May 14)
  • Bike-to-Work Week (May 16-20)
  •  National Employee Health and Fitness Day (May 18)
  • National Kids to Parks Day (May 21)
  • National Senior Health and Fitness Day (May 25)
Start getting ready by joining the conversation online and follow the #PCFSN hashtag to stay up-to-date on National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, as well as PCFSN news and updates.

Source: PCFSN Newsletter