Thursday, June 14, 2012

1.5 is better than a butt on the couch!

I went out and walked today!  I would have never gotten out there on my own, but my BFF and I made a date to go walking at the same time and call each other.  She kept me accountable and I finished 1.5 miles.  I did a 20 minute mile, which is slow, but considering my health scare last month and lack of doing anything for that time period, I'm happy with how I did.

What's that you say, pictures or it didn't happen?
Here I am right before heading out on the museum path!

Kristen at the Museum Path 

How do you stay accountable?  Do you have a buddy to cheer you on?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Running Around with B

All the running that I've done this week has been running the kids all over town.  We had 8 Job's Daughters and DeMolay events in 10 days.  The kids have become quite active in both Masonic Youth Groups over the past six months (though we've belonged for about 7 years) and I even took the plunge and became an advisor for the DeMolay group.  The kids are having fun, but it can sure take up a lot of time and money when you have three kids involved! 

Tori, Katie & Kirk at 2012 Old Settlers Days
Tori, Katie & Kirk Working a Promotional Booth at a Local Street Fair

I put more miles in on the road than I did on my feet, but it wiped me out none the less.  We have a couple of more coming up as well.  Work? Let's just say I'm doing the minimum.  Training? Ha!  Let's not talk about that yet.

So, what am I doing lately to try and stay healthy?  I've drastically cut back on my soda consumption, and I've started taking daily vitamins. 

Since we don't have health insurance right now I really freaked out when my fibromyalgia took a turn for the worse in May.  While in Disneyland I started to experience numbness in my arms and legs, a symptom that I had never before had.  Along with some serious cognitive dysfunction it had me very scared.  Since I couldn't afford to go to the doctor, I hit the internet to see if I could fit the symptoms in with any of my current conditions.  I decided that I was probably suffering from a lack of Vitamin B.  I discovered that Vitamin B supports the central nervous system, and the symptoms of lacking it were pretty much a laundry list of what had been going on.  In fact, it read like a book about my particular case of fibromyalgia. 

It's been about 3 weeks now that I've been supplementing my B and I'm feeling better, I have no more numbness in my arms and legs, and my brain seem to have cleared the fibro fog for the time being.  I'm not advocating being your own doctor for any reason, and I will get it checked when I can, but for now things seem to be looking up!

That's a good thing, because I have more running around to do with the kids!

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Miracle

Over the past month I have been sicker with my fibromyalgia than ever.  Training has not been happening.  This has caused an awful spiral that has kept me from posting with you, my friends.

I still don't know what to write, I'll try and get a Vlog done in the next couple days and share with you what's been going on.

In the mean time... try to keep the faith!  Because it's not the destination, it's the journey that counts.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Safe Fun in the Sun

Enjoying the outdoors in the warm summer months can be a great way to motivate yourself to exercise. However, the damaging effects of excessive heat and sun exposure can counteract the benefits of physical activity. Heat-related illnesses range from mild to life-threatening, so use the following tips from the Mayo Clinic to safely enjoy the outdoors this summer:

Pay attention to warning signs. 
During hot-weather exercise, watch for signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. If you ignore these symptoms, your condition can worsen, resulting in a medical emergency. Signs and symptoms include:
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
If you develop any of these symptoms, you must lower your body temperature and get hydrated. Stop exercising immediately and get out of the heat. If possible, have someone stay with you who can help monitor your condition. Remove extra clothing or sports equipment. Drink fluids - water or a sports drink. If possible, fan your body or wet down your body with cool water. If you don't feel better within 30 minutes, contact your doctor. If you have signs of heatstroke, seek immediate medical help.
Watch the temperature.  
Pay attention to weather forecasts and heat alerts. Know what the temperature is expected to be for the duration of your planned outdoor activity.
Get acclimated.  
If you're used to exercising indoors or in cooler weather, take it easy at first when you exercise in the heat. As your body adapts to the heat over the course of one to two weeks, gradually increase the length and intensity of your workouts.

Know your fitness level.  
If you're unfit or new to exercise, be extra cautious when working out in the heat. Your body may have a lower tolerance to the heat. Reduce your exercise intensity and take frequent breaks.

Drink plenty of fluids. 
Dehydration is a key factor in heat illness. Help your body sweat and cool down by staying well hydrated with water. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. If you plan to exercise intensely or for longer than one hour, consider a sports drink instead of water. Sports drinks can replace the sodium, chloride and potassium you lose through sweating. Avoid alcoholic drinks because they can actually promote fluid loss.

Dress appropriately.  
Lightweight, loose fitting clothing helps sweat evaporate and keeps you cooler. Avoid dark colors, which can absorb heat. If possible, wear a light-colored, wide-brimmed hat.

Avoid midday sun.  
Exercise in the morning or evening, when it's likely to be cooler outdoors. If possible, exercise in shady areas - or do a water workout in a pool.
Wear sunscreen.  
A sun burn decreases your body's ability to cool itself [and increases risk of skin cancer].
Have a backup plan.  
If you're concerned about the heat or humidity, stay indoors. Work out at the gym, walk laps inside the mall or climb stairs inside an air-conditioned building.

Understand your medical risks.  
Certain medical conditions or medications can increase your risk of a heat-related illness. If you plan to exercise in the heat, talk to your doctor about precautions.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Growing Our Own - Getting the Garden Planted

My hubby was out playing in the garden today.  We bought some trellises for the cucumbers so that they would help to shade our basil and keep it from getting sun burnt. The beds are a mess because I wasn't able to manage them last year, they went fallow and the weeds went crazy.   He tilled the beds, but I feel like we're going to be fighting with the weeds for awhile.  We really need to do some clean up on the ground around the beds as well, but that can wait until after the beds are planted.

This year we're hoping to grow potatoes, tomatoes, onions, red bell pepper, jalapenos, cucumbers for slicing and pickling, basil, oregano, thyme, chives and lavender.  We've also been talking about pumpkin and some sort of melon.  LoL... Can you tell we eat a lot of Italian and Mexican?  Another potato tower will go in in a couple of weeks.  Staggering the planting keeps us from getting a zillion pounds of potatoes all at once.

My fibro and my desire for homegrown veggies are not always compatible. I hope that I'll be able to help him with the garden this year.   I helped weed a little bit, but my back is not happy with me, so I came in and took a muscle relaxer. I'm really proud of him getting this together again for us this year!

Here are a few pictures from today!

Photos from 2012 Garden May

Something To Think About .2

Taking a break is okay.

There are times in all of our lives that the best we can do is just gather ourselves together so that when the next day comes we can hit it like a rock star. Taking a day off can be good for both your body and soul.

So go ahead and get all Scarlett for tomorrow is another day.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Does Shopping Count as Exercise?

I know, I've really been slacking when it comes to this blog.  It's problem because I've been in so much pain lately and I'm having a difficult time facing it.


Fibromyalgia is sort of an on and off type of condition.  I'm always in pain, but there are times that it's worse than others.  When it's bad, it's called a "Flare."  For the past two years, I've been fairly flare free, with only difficult point lasting a couple of weeks.  It seems however that with a mountain of new stress in my life,  that my body has decided to rebel.  For the past three weeks I've been worse than I can ever remember.

"But Kristen" you say "You just got back from Disneyland!"

Yes, yes I did... and I spent almost that entire vacation in a wheel chair, took loads of pain killers, and took 2 hour naps every afternoon.  If I hadn't, there's no way on earth I would have been able to manage the  parks.  In fact I even let myself be photographed in the EVC, something I usually go out of my way to avoid.  I just didn't even have the energy to get up.  I know I don't look sick, looks can be deceiving.

So, I haven't been working out at all.  I feel like a total slacker.  I hate feeling this way.  I have made two shopping trips with my girls since we've been home.  They needed formal dresses for an event later this summer... bright orange formals. Tori's we were able to find at GoodWill for $20, Katie's on the other hand I had to suck it up and order from David's Bridal. 

It's not "real" exercise, but it's the best that I can do for now.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Something To Think About .3

Who cares if you go too slow right now, no one ... and I mean no one ... just up and decided to run a marathon overnight. It takes time, and training.

Right now my daughter can walk at my running speed. She'll be breezing along beside me as I huff and puff, and all I can do if laugh and tell her that I hate her. Thank god she's there walking beside me though and she always tells me that it's ok. We snark and the beautiful gazelle like women who lap us again and again.

First I need to build the endurance, after that the speed will come. I will not give up.

What's more important to you when you work out, speed or endurance? Do you ever struggle with it? I'd love to hear your story.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why is it so hard to find plus size workout gear?

                                                             Source: via Kristen on Pinterest

I've been so exhausted this week it's all I can do to stay awake. I haven't been working out and I'm barely working, all I seem to do is sleep sleep and sleep some more.  My headache is on day 4, and I have absolutely zero in the creativity bank, which is why my posts have been so lame. I don't suppose the Yoga poses that I've been choosing (like the one above) really count as exercise either.

I did do one thing this week, and that was attempt to buy a new running top at Lane Bryant.  Though they had a big selection this week, everything I wanted in my local store was in a size 18/20 which I am not. HELLO!  Lane Bryant, I'm a fat girl, make me a shirt in a 26.  To Lane Bryant's defense, I was being a little picky, they had tops to fit me, they just weren't the style that I had hoped for.  However, my best friend tells me that I'm lucky to find fat chick running gear at all, because her Lane Bryant carries zippola for her in Chicago. 

I have several Reebok pieces from Lane Bryant that I do love, and I'm happy that I have been able to find some cute clothes to wear while working out.  With the obesity crisis in America being what it is, not being able to find a top you can work out in that fits you really shouldn't be a stumbling block to healthier living.  How are you supposed to want to work out and feel better about yourself, if all you can fit into is ugly, mens, Hanes sweats from Walmart?  No girly girl wants to see seen at the gym looking like a sausage in clothes not even made to fit her.  A bigger, broader selection needs to be found.

I love this outfit, this is the top that I was looking for in store.  Luckily I can get it online at  Do you think that this is too much pink for me?  Is there such a thing?  They did have the shirt in black too.  The fact that there's a running skirt in my size is nothing less than FABULOUS!  I'm pretty happy with the selections, now I just need the cash to buy them!

If you're not built like a runner, but need quality work out gear, I suggest you check out the Reebok line at Lane and see if anything inspires you!   Do you struggle to find cute work out gear?  Do you have a special store that you could share with me?  Leave me a comment and let me know what you're sports clothing struggles are.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Heavily on My Mind: Health Insurance

One of the things that weighs heavy on my mind these days is the lack of health coverage. We've always used our heavily, and since my husband lost his job, we're sort of out in the cold.   I discovered a few days ago that one of my regular prescriptions is on the generic list, that means I'll only have to pay $4. I was so happy when I learned this news, I almost cried. Serious tears.  I had been afraid that I wouldn't be able to afford it any longer and that would mean I would likely never really sleep again.

My family is being proactive with our health and changing our unhealthy habits in an attempt at better living. However, overall the “pray not to get sick” method, isn’t a quality plan. For a girl with Fibromyalgia, removing stress is a key factor in feeling better and having less pain. Getting out of the house and walking is just one of the ways that I relieve stress.

My husband, daughter and I are working, but none of us have healthcare.  The very substance of the American workplace is changing, and it's leaving many people out in the cold as far as healthcare goes. Since I work as an independent contractor I don't have the option of having any benefits one would get as an employee. That raises my stress levels. Today small businesses do have options for providing their workers with group insurance coverage, but it can be just as hard for them to find as it is for the independent contractor to find someone who can provide it.

If you’re a small business owner or self employed consider looking into information about group health insurance not only to benefit you, but to help give your employees the security that they need.  People with peace of mind are much more creative and productive, which only means good things for your business. What ways can you think of to help relieve your employee stress?

Disclaimer: Sponsored editorial post.  All opinions and life experiences expressed are entirely those of the author. Your mileage may vary.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

An annual observance since 1983, National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is promoted by President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition to engage, educate, and empower all Americans to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity. If you haven't already earned your PALA+, maybe you could use this month as inspiration to get started and get recognized as you incorporate more physical activity into your life.

As a part of the month-long celebration, shorter observances also occur throughout May:
  • National Physical Education and Sport Week (May 1-7)
  • National Women's Health Week (May 8 through May 14)
  • Bike-to-Work Week (May 16-20)
  •  National Employee Health and Fitness Day (May 18)
  • National Kids to Parks Day (May 21)
  • National Senior Health and Fitness Day (May 25)
Start getting ready by joining the conversation online and follow the #PCFSN hashtag to stay up-to-date on National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, as well as PCFSN news and updates.

Source: PCFSN Newsletter

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Journal 4/26/ 2012

Tori and I hit the River path for a walk today. We did 2 miles, at 18:24 a mile. We were going so strong at a flat 18:00 until we hit the 3/4 mile mark and then we slowed down. It didn't seem to matter how fast I tried to walk, I couldn't kick it back into gear and we ended slower than that. Oh well, it was a pretty good walk, and I'm glad that I got it in! We're headed out of town for the weekend, so I don't think we'll get another walk in until Monday at the earliest.

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012 Journal

I haven't been to work out for a week. I could give you lots of excuses, I'm stressed, I've been in pain, I've had a ton to do on top of trying to pick up more hours at work. Take your pick, the fact is that I just haven't it gotten done. I should probably go tonight, but that's not going to happen either. I am in an awful lot of Fibromyalgia based pain, which can probably be attributed to the cold wet weather. I really need to go.

I keep asking myself if I'm really training for this half marathon or am I just playing a game. I wish I knew that answer. Since DH lost his job I've been having trouble finding a routine. I really need to create some habits and get with it, but every time I blink our lives keep changing. I suppose one could suggest that's all the more reason for me to create a regular work out routine. I'm just not sure yet where I can fit it in consistently.

The plan is that Tori and I will go tomorrow afternoon after she gets off of work. Ok. I can make that happen.

I WILL make that happen.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Something to Think About

Sometimes I get so busy and wrapped up in my own "stuff" that I forget what I do effects everyone around me. To me, feeling good in spirit is the foundation of feeling good physically. I love this little Karma Cleanse, it's a great reminder to always be the person that I want to be.

"Watch Your Attitude" is what I'm struggling with lately.
Are any of these holding you back?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

PodCasts to Make the Work Outs Easier

This piece was originally posted back in September on The DVC Mom's Traveler.

Working out is by far my least favorite activity during the week.  I just don't get that "high" some people do from pushing their bodies.  It doesn't really feel good, and I'm left afterwards exhausted and quite often starving.  So my challenge has been finding ways to make exercising more enjoyable.  So, like so many other things in life, I plus it up with Disney!

I keep some great guys in my pocket (on my iPhone that is) to help me pass the time and make my workouts fly by!  These are three of the nicest guys and they love to share their passion for all things Disney.  There's no way that I could pick one that I like the most because they all offer a little something different for your listening pleasure.  If you're looking for a way to pass the time working out or just want to hear some fantastic Disney fans talking about the most magical place of all, tune in and find your motivation!


My favorite VidCast comes from Rick Howard of Kingdom Magic Vacations.  Travel with Rick offers video tours of fantastic Disney Destinations around the world on land and sea.  He's also done some great ride-a-longs with special guests, Disney food tastings, and fun interviews.  Rick is my go-to video when I'm on the recumbent bike at the Y.
Follow on Twitter @TravelWithRick

Lou Mongello hosts the WDW Radio show and has all the latest information you need to get your Disney on.  Not only does Lou's show offer all the latest in Disney news and event coverage, but he's got what's happening in the community covered as well.  Lou's the ultimate source of information in our house, and his Disney History episodes are THE best out there.
Follow on Twitter @LouMongello 


Mike Rahlmann hosts a rollicking good time with this fun roundtable of fabulous Disneyphiles. On the Be Our Guest Podcast, Mike is joined by a bevy of lovely ladies that laugh and talk about their vacation adventures in a friendly accessible manner. This is the crew that keeps me walking when I just want to sit down.
Follow on Twitter @BeOurGuestMike

So that's it!  The sounds that keep me motivated when I'm working to stay fit and feel fab whether it's on Friday or any other day.  What do you listen to when you're working out?  Do you have any tips to help get your Disney on, on the treadmill?  Leave me a message below and let me know how you "Keep Moving Forward!"

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No-Bake Energy Bites

I found this recipe on Pinterest (yes, I'm actually going to really make something I pinned) and thought that it sounded like a tasty thing to eat before going to work out.  DH made them, and I must say that they're pretty good.  Super easy to pull together as well.  There was a little too much coconut for my taste, but the rest of the family loves them!  I may try and switch it up with some dried cherries for the next batch. 

I can't eat a lot before I head out for a walk, usually I grab a granola bar or an Oatmeal breakfast cookie.  These treats looked like they might be a good option too. The recipe originally comes from a blog called Smashed Peas and Carrots.

No-Bake Energy Bites (makes 18-20 bites) 
  • 1 cup oatmeal 
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (or other nut butter) 
  • 1/3 cup honey 
  • 1 cup coconut flakes 
  • 1/2 cup ground flaxseed 
  • 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips 
  • 1 tsp vanilla 
Mix everything above in a medium bowl until thoroughly incorporated. Let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour. Once chilled, roll into balls and enjoy! Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The President's Bling

I took a few pictures of pretty spring flowers coming up in the forest where we walk, so that I could share them with you. There's so much in bloom that you miss unless you're looking for it. I've considered harvesting some of the violets to make violet sugar.
Violets in the Forest Forest Flower

Here's that link that I mentioned in the video for the President's Challenge. It's super easy to sign up, and lets be honest, you're doing the work anyway! Why not bring home some bling just for training too!

Extra Bling is always fun!  I signed up, why don't you?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tips for Walking Your First 5K

1. Decide to Do It!
Congratulations! You've decided to register to walk a 5k race. I know that you can do this!  If you're still not sure, fear not!  These easy tips will help your training be fun and comfortable.

Untitled2. Set a Training Plan
Now that you've decided that yuo're going to give it your all you need to find a training plan. I like the Hal Higdon Walker's 5K Training Plan. I find Hal's program to be straight forward and easy, it gives you 8 Weeks from start to 5K in easy, every other day increments that even those with a busy schedule can fit in. While it's fairly easy to train for a 5K without a serious plan, I highly suggest using one so that you can see yourself reach mini-goals along the way.  

3. Fuel The Machine
"Training" and "Dieting" are not the same thing, don't let anyone fool you. Yes, you're body will be much happier if you make the commitment to eat in a more healthful manner. However you MUST fuel the machine. You're body won't run without fuel, and it gets that fuel from food. Follow a nutritional plan that is going to work with your life style, but please don't starve yourself because you think that will make you healthier. Increase your daily water intake too, because if you're working out right, you're going to need to replace fluids.

Jackie and I nearing the Finish Line4. Phone A Friend!
I really hate walking alone, it's boring and I don't like being left alone with my thoughts. When that happens, I usually just end up bitching to myself about how much I hate to exercise. Grab a friend (I bring my daughter Tori, in this picture I was walking with my friend Jackie) and hit the road.  Tori both give me someone to talk to so that I can take my mind off training, and helps me push myself to meet my goals. I also have a bunch of training buddies online! This blog is inspired by them as a way to keep all of us motivated. I've been told by many people that my Vlogs help make them feel like they're not the only ones that would rather be on the couch with a bag of chips. It's a good thing to have friends in similar condition to you that want to train as well. I love you #PrincessPatyCrew  

5. Dress Appropriately
There are a few things I've learned by trial and error as far as gear goes. Make sure you have shoes that fit with a little extra room for your feet to swell, because they will. Don't wear slippery underwear, or you'll be Jingle Bell Run 2010holding up your pants through the entire race. Trust me, I speak from experience on this one. Also, the right clothes will extend your outdoor training season more than you ever thought they could. Layer, layer. layer. Most importantly, cotton is an awful fabric when you're sweating, pick up some work out clothes with dry-tech.  

6. Listen to Your Body
If you're anything like me, you WANT to run. It's important to listen to your body and acknowledge your limits. In 2011 I messed up my back because I tried to run to soon.  That one error sent me into 6 months of physical therapy.  For myself (being overweight and with Fibromyalgia) my doctor has advised me not to even bother trying to run until I can walk a 16 minute mile.   It's okay if you walk!  Don't push yourself beyond what your body can handle. Pay attention to aches and pains, rest when you need too, slow down, and see a doctor before an injury gets out of control.

3.1 miles is a great distance for anyone's first race.  Training for, and completing that 5k a fun and exciting goal that can boost your confidence and your increase you health.  If you want to add a little extra fun to it, register for one of the many 5K events s held at the Disney Parks throughout the year!

If I can do it, so can you!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Feeling good...

Tori and I had a great walk yesterday out on the Midway Village museum path. I even ran/walked the last quarter miles about 30 seconds of each the whole 1/4 mile. Though I felt really great that I was able to do that, Tori can walk as fast as I run.

I am a slow little penguin, but I'm getting it done!   I do hope to do more run/walk training, I think it's going to be the best way for me to make some real progress to my goals.  Even if I'm going slow right now, I'm just at the beginning and I know that I'll be better the more that I try.

Today we hit the bikes at the YMCA and had a good 45 minute ride. It's so wonderful even to have just these two days of feeling motivated and energetic. I can only hope that it continues. Coming up latter this week I've got some training tips to share with you, suggestions for motivating podcasts (Disney style) and a recipe for some yummy snacks that are fairly healthy too!

Pin It!!

Are you on Pinterest?  Okay, I admit it, I'm fairly addicted.  
If you need an invite just let me know, and then...

Follow my new 13.1 Pin Board!
 Follow My 13.1 on Pinterest

Thursday, April 12, 2012

It's The Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Hello Party Girls!! Welcome to "Running the Castle" to all of those folks coming over from the 5 Minutes For Mom Ultimate Blog Party. This is my first year participating in the Ultimate Blog Party, but this is really the first year for this little blog.

Well, I Ran For The CameraLet me introduce myself! My name is Kristen and this blog is here to help motivate me to keep on moving!

I'm a work from home mom, running a family of six people and two dogs. Things can get kind of hectic around this place and I often forget to find time for me.  I'm trying to lose some weight, get healthy, and generally keep from going crazy!

How do I plan on doing that?   I'm training to run a Half Marathon!  Except right now I don't really run and I hate working out.  

That's a picture of me doing the Tangled Royal Family 5K at Walt Disney World in February.  That's where this crazy Half Marathon idea began.  So if you're looking for a dreadfully honest look at the struggles of trying to get healthy and maintain your sanity, this is probably the place for you!

These are just some of the posts you'll find on the "Running the Castle Blog":
  • My Training Log via Daily Mile 
  • Training Tips Motivational Stuff (I'm sure I'll think of something) 
  • Fitness Shopping for the Plus Size Girl 
  • runDisney Inspirations 
  • Healthy Food (really? Well, I'll try) 
  • My Struggles with Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain 
  • Vlogs from my walks (so you can see first hand how I'm doing) 
  • Race reports
I hope that you have fun blog hopping around the party! You can also find me over at "The DVC Mom's Traveler" where all things travel and Disney are the passion.  Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope that you'll continue to join me on this crazy plan to create a better me!

Are you participating in the Ultimate Blog Party?
If so, let me know!
Post your link in the comments section and I will be sure to stop by!

Stuggling w/ My Workouts

I'm not sure why my past few training days have been so truly miserable. It's probably because I'm so stressed out right now with Geordon losing his job, and me picking up more hours at work. We've got a lot of very basic lifestyle changes coming about, even the way the house runs is taking more effort because it's simply different than it has been for the past 14 years.

I thought that I was going to have to give up my gym members, but I'm going to keep it for at least another month. I really want to be able to get back into the routine of working out. I have no idea if I'll even have enough money to fly to Florida and run the Princess Half Marathon next year, but it's a goal that I want to work towards anyway.

Right now, I just need to make sure that I get out and do something. Even if I don't go as far or as fast as I originally planned on, what counts is that I'm up and off the couch moving forward.

Have you ever gone through a training rut that made it that much harder for you to get out there and do it? What did you do to combat the malaise? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fall Race Fun w/ runDisney

TOT 10MileI know that I won't be able to make it down for the Fall Races this year, and even if I did, I'm not sure I'm up for starting a race at 10pm. Honestly, that's usually my bedtime. However I love that runDisney has put in a distance that's between the 5K and traditional 1/2 Marathon. I'll be looking for a mid-distance myself, hopefully before the end of the year. Perhaps a 10k in Northern Illinois not too far from home. Hrmmm... I think there's a run for chocolate in Chicago in the fall. But I Digress... back to Disney!

 The 10 mile Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Race debuts Sept. 29, 2012

"This race course runs through the set of “Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show” and past Mickey’s Sorcerer’s Hat and finishes near The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror attraction at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Runners will receive a finisher medal inspired by the Tower of Terror and then celebrate their achievement at a villainous post-race party with their family and friends, where they will enjoy live music, characters – including your favorite Disney villains – and have exclusive access to attractions like The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith, Star Tours and Toy Story Mania."

You can register for this mid-distance event at 

Disney's Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend November 9th & 10th, 2012

This year Wine & Dine has been moved from Food & Wine opening weekend to early Nov. I have a soft spot in my heart for this race weekend because Mickey's Halloween 5K through the Magic Kingdom was the first Disney race that I ever did.

"Join runDisney for a special event that brings the spectacle of the Epcot® International Food & Wine Festival together with the magic of a Disney race. Start out by running through the theme parks under the stars with world-class Disney entertainment along the way to help the miles fly by. The icing on this cake? Finishing at Epcot® where an exclusive after-hours party inside the Epcot® International Food & Wine Festival awaits. This race experience will be the ultimate "Runners' Night Out!"

You can register for Wine & Dine Weekend Events, including the 5K and kids races at  

So what are you doing this fall? Will you runDisney? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Power Walk Through Disneyland

I saw this on the Disney Parks Blog and just had to share!  It's the power walk that I talked about in my last vLog post.  I'm headed to Disneyland in May and staying at the Grand Californian. Now that I know, I think I'm going to sign up for this fun morning power walk! I'm walking an 18:15 mile right now, I hope that I'll be able to keep up with the group.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Rough Morning Walk

This turned out to be a great walk a couple of days ago. Even though it started out pretty rough we ended up with our best pace in about 2 years with two miles at 18:15 a mile! I love it when we can see the progress!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Crazy Wind Chills make for Miserable Walks

Who the heck turned off Spring? I love walking when the temp is about 43 degrees out. But this morning the wind chill made for the most miserable walk ever. Okay, so I know that is probably much colder in Alaska than it was on this miserable walk along to river, but my face is so wind chapped and my ears hurt *SO* bad. Can the warmer weather please come back now?

I also stopped in at the YMCA today and I think we're going to have to cancel our membership since DH lost his job. I think I'll be good for walking until December, at which time I might try and apply for a financial aid membership at the Y so that I have someplace to go when it gets cold.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tangled Royal Family 5K Recap

We did it! My Princess Party Crew and I finished the Tangled Royal Family 5K back in February. I thought that I would finally get some pictures up for you! We gathered in the Parking lot of Disney's Epcot at 6am with another 5,500 of our closest friends. Like crazy women, we actually began seeking out other Princesses that we knew. Princesses Tori, Bekah, Traci, Tiffany & Jackie
The music was blaring and the DJ kept the energy high! Dressed for the Party and ready to go, Tori and Becks did the electric slide.
At 7am the fireworks went off to signal the beginning of the race! As slow pokes stuck in the back we struggled with the back of the pack to get moving. By the time we went through the starting gate things had spread out enough to really start walking.
The first mile of this race is really awful. It's parking lot, a tram graveyard, and some sort of water/sewage plant that's on the back side of Epcot. One little speaker offered some music for a few hundred yards, but there's no encouragement on this stretch what so ever. We split up during this mile Tori, Becks and Traci walked ahead, while Jakie and I enjoyed a more leisurely pace.
Once we got inside of World Showcase the race got so much nicer. That dank depressing feeling of the first mile was gone and it started to really feel like Disney Magic.
Jackie and I were trailing behind our group, but that's okay! We were able to hop into a few character pictures with other Princesses we knew walking the race. Check out Amanda Tinney's 5K post, can you spot Jackie and I in the pictures?  It was an opportunity I don't know that we would have gotten if we had been going faster. Epcot in the morning is beautiful and all of the walkers that we met along the way were so friendly and wonderful.

One of my favorite moments was when I was jogging a little bit to catch up with Jackie and my dear friend Sarah-Irene looked at me and said "Kristen, look at you, you're running!"  LoL... yes, for a couple of dozen yards I can run (jog... okay waddle).  That's about it for now.

Once we came around towards Spaceship Earth we knew we were in the home stretch!
Look at that, Tori was still smiling! Love those ears.
There it is, the Finish Line! Everyone was happy to see the finish line! It's an early morning and a long brisk walk but it feels so very good to cross that line and have that sense of accomplishment that you did it. Disney is fantastic to it's 5K folks and everyone gets a medal!
So where do hungry girls with race bling head after it's all over? Whispering Canyon Cafe! Look at how serious Tori and Traci look about that food. It was so good and a wonderful way to relax after the race. Good job girls, I'm so proud of everyone for finishing the 2012 Tangled Royal Family 5K!

To read more about our wonderful trip check out Traci's Blog 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

And I'm Feeling Good...

Tori and I had a GREAT walk today which is surprising because we're both sick.  However, I felt pretty dern good, and didn't have to lay down on the bench at the end of our workout.  I felt pretty strong.  Our pace was a little slower than our last walk, but hey... we're sick.

I think that the new training schedule that we're adhering to is really working well.  The goal is just to get out and move for an hour at a time.  I'm not worrying about what my pace is or how far I'm going, I just need to get out and do something for a whole hour.  I want to be sure that we have enough cardio strength to sustain exercise for that length of time.  Which is about the length of time that I want to finish the 5K in.  

Right now we're working on a two days on one day off schedule, which gives us a workout 5 days a week.  We're trying to go Bike/Walk/Rest  Bike/Walk/Rest  Bike/Walk/Rest

So far so good, but it's only been a week! We need to keep this up at the very least until February 22nd.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Training Update and Life Kvetching

I'm sick this morning, stuffy nose, sore throat, just really not feeling well. However my hips/legs seem to have recovered from our great walk on Thursday so I knew I really should get to the gym. If I take more than one day off, this will never get done. So bright and early, off to the gym Tori & I went.

We biked for an hour while I listened to WDW Radio. The machine said that I made it 9.4 miles, which is not as far as I went last time, but hey, I'm sick! At least I went out and did it. Mostly motivated by the fact that so many of my friends were down in WDW this weekend running the Marathon.

I wouldn't say today has been a good day so far and it's only 11:00am.  I discovered some financial issues that we can't call about and see what's going on until tomorrow at the earliest.  My brain is dwelling on it though, and as I'm trying to prepare for the worst I'm feeling sort of devastated right now.  I hopped that the workout would help, it didn't.  It's nothing bad that we did, I have a feeling that our health insurance has gone up more than expected.  It's a factor I wasn't expecting that may have very depressing consequences.  I guess the failing economy and rising costs may have finally caught up with my family too.  Of course that's just a guess at this point, like I said, we have no way of knowing what's going on until tomorrow at the least.  I just want to cry.  I don't do well being in "limbo".

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Back to it!

I had considered just letting this blog go, however several people mentioned to me that they rreally miss it.  Apparently watching and listening to me moan and groan as I waddle my way down the path is not only entertaining, but has made many of you feel better about your own work outs.  It *IS* okay to to hate being out there doing it, as long as you keep getting out there to do it.

It's not that I've been ignoring you all... I just haven't worked out since November!  Oh my god... 49 days until the race and I'm just now getting my rear in gear.  The holidays really kicked me in the teeth this year and I'm only now starting to recover. 

So... here's another video of me saying "so" way too much, and giving my all on the museum loop. My camera was flip flopping back and forth, sorry about that. I hope you enjoy!!