1. Decide to Do It!
Congratulations! You've decided to register to walk a 5k race. I know that you can do this! If you're still not sure, fear not! These easy tips will help your training be fun and comfortable.
2. Set a Training Plan
Now that you've decided that yuo're going to give it your all you need to find a training plan. I like the
Hal Higdon Walker's 5K Training Plan. I find Hal's program to be straight forward and easy, it gives you 8 Weeks from start to 5K in easy, every other day increments that even those with a busy schedule can fit in. While it's fairly easy to train for a 5K without a serious plan, I highly suggest using one so that you can see yourself reach mini-goals along the way.
3. Fuel The Machine
"Training" and "Dieting" are not the same thing, don't let anyone fool you. Yes, you're body will be much happier if you make the commitment to eat in a more healthful manner. However you MUST fuel the machine. You're body won't run without fuel, and it gets that fuel from food. Follow a nutritional plan that is going to work with your life style, but please don't starve yourself because you think that will make you healthier. Increase your daily water intake too, because if you're working out right, you're going to need to replace fluids.
4. Phone A Friend!
I really hate walking alone, it's boring and I don't like being left alone with my thoughts. When that happens, I usually just end up bitching to myself about how much I hate to exercise. Grab a friend (I bring my daughter Tori, in this picture I was walking with my friend Jackie) and hit the road. Tori both give me someone to talk to so that I can take my mind off training, and helps me push myself to meet my goals. I also have a bunch of training buddies online! This blog is inspired by them as a way to keep all of us motivated. I've been told by many people that my Vlogs help make them feel like they're not the only ones that would rather be on the couch with a bag of chips. It's a good thing to have friends in similar condition to you that want to train as well. I love you #PrincessPatyCrew
5. Dress Appropriately
There are a few things I've learned by trial and error as far as gear goes. Make sure you have shoes that fit with a little extra room for your feet to swell, because they will. Don't wear slippery underwear, or you'll be

holding up your pants through the entire race. Trust me, I speak from experience on this one. Also, the right clothes will extend your outdoor training season more than you ever thought they could. Layer, layer. layer. Most importantly, cotton is an awful fabric when you're sweating, pick up some work out
clothes with dry-tech.
6. Listen to Your Body
If you're anything like me, you WANT to run. It's important to listen to your body and acknowledge your limits. In 2011 I messed up my back because I tried to run to soon. That one error sent me into 6 months of physical therapy. For myself (being overweight and with Fibromyalgia) my doctor has advised me not to even bother trying to run until I can walk a 16 minute mile.
It's okay if you walk! Don't push yourself beyond what your body can handle. Pay attention to aches and pains, rest when you need too, slow down, and see a doctor before an injury gets out of control.
3.1 miles is a great distance for anyone's first race. Training for, and completing that 5k a fun and exciting goal that can boost your confidence and your increase you health. If you want to add a little extra fun to it, register for one of the many
5K events s held at the Disney Parks throughout the year!
If I can do it, so can you!!