Saturday, May 19, 2012

Does Shopping Count as Exercise?

I know, I've really been slacking when it comes to this blog.  It's problem because I've been in so much pain lately and I'm having a difficult time facing it.


Fibromyalgia is sort of an on and off type of condition.  I'm always in pain, but there are times that it's worse than others.  When it's bad, it's called a "Flare."  For the past two years, I've been fairly flare free, with only difficult point lasting a couple of weeks.  It seems however that with a mountain of new stress in my life,  that my body has decided to rebel.  For the past three weeks I've been worse than I can ever remember.

"But Kristen" you say "You just got back from Disneyland!"

Yes, yes I did... and I spent almost that entire vacation in a wheel chair, took loads of pain killers, and took 2 hour naps every afternoon.  If I hadn't, there's no way on earth I would have been able to manage the  parks.  In fact I even let myself be photographed in the EVC, something I usually go out of my way to avoid.  I just didn't even have the energy to get up.  I know I don't look sick, looks can be deceiving.

So, I haven't been working out at all.  I feel like a total slacker.  I hate feeling this way.  I have made two shopping trips with my girls since we've been home.  They needed formal dresses for an event later this summer... bright orange formals. Tori's we were able to find at GoodWill for $20, Katie's on the other hand I had to suck it up and order from David's Bridal. 

It's not "real" exercise, but it's the best that I can do for now.

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