Thursday, January 31, 2013

I went back to the gym today

I did it!  I actually went back to the gym today!  It's been almost an entire year, I've got a broken toe, the freezing weather plays havoc with my fibro, but I did it!

I decided that I need to get some baselines, because without them I won't know when I make improvements.  I'm probably going to wait a few weeks before I get on the treadmill though.  I don't want to stress my foot too much while that toe is healing.   Today I worked on the recumbent bike.  I figured that even with my broken toe I would be able to handle that, and I was right!  I just took it easy, and rode nice and steady.  I did 6 miles in 35 minutes.

The best part was that it felt pretty dern good.  That's right, I said it, I worked out and it felt good.

While I was on the bike I was browsing facebook and my friend John posted this fantastic video, which he was passing on from our friend Rick.  It was a fantastic motivator!

Be awesome my friends!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Time to just do it

Tori, Katie and I have been talking about going back to the YMCA.  We miss our gym membership, and even though it's going to be a rough sum to swallow financially, we all feel like we really need to start going back.  We were happy going to the gym, we felt good.

Lately, we have not been feeling very good about ourselves.  A LOT of that has to do with outside influences that are causing our family serious stress.  We're so sick of other people bringing us down.  It's stupid to allow ourselves to be treated so poorly when we've given so much.  We're trying to distance ourselves from those influences and put the focus back on things that we enjoy.

I drove past the Y today and it said that in January there is no sign up fee.  That means that I have today and tomorrow to decide if I'm going to get this membership.  No, not quite.  It really means that I have today or tomorrow to get in and get the membership taken care of.  I think that we have all agreed that this is something that needs to be done.   It's time to just do it.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Welcome Back To Junior High

I found out last night that I the other parents at my kids youth group don't like me, so four of them ganged up and told the guy in charge of the parent group that if I stayed around that they would all quit helping out.  Obviously, the key to groups like that surviving and flourishing is parental involvement and four is more than one, so I'm out.   Even though the guy in charge said that he didn't agree, liked what I was doing, and appreciated all of my efforts.  Whatever.   It is so not worth my time and energy to put up with that.  It really amazes me that I'm obviously so important other people feel that they need to plot my removal.

I watched a video online the other day about Mom Bullies, and the person was saying that they had never run into them.  Oh... my... god... just come spend some time in my shoes.  My youngest daughter and I have actually spent the last four months in therapy because of these people doing crappy things to us.  Between the therapist and my best friend saying "leave... why are you staying... leave... take yourself out of the bad situation... leave... stop letting yourself be abused..." a sense of protecting my child from these asses kept me there.  Katie and I now more or less have our Thursday nights free again, and have lost a WHOLE lot of stress, and will save money without the therapist bills. 

Yesterday, I sat down and made out a work schedule.  I printed it out, and posted it on the wall for the family to see what I really do all day.  I'm hoping that getting my hours organized is going to open up some time in my day to fit in some other things.  Like this!  Look, I've actually gotten another blog post made here.  Granted it's more random ranting, but here it is none the less.

Have you ever taken much more time that you should have to get out of a bad situation because you thought you were doing the right thing?  Have you ever dealt with "grown ups" that forget they're not in Junior High any more?  What did you do?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What do we have here?

Oh looky here, what do we have?  It would appear to be a long forgotten blog that I started sometime shortly before my life went absolutely insane in 2012.   According to the stats page there are actually a whole 10 of you out there subscribed to this poor long lost blog that was supposed to be dedicated to me getting fit.   Thank you so much for reading, and at some point in time subscribing to my ramblings.  I hope you'll stick around. 

2012 went crazy for me and I spent most of last year in survival mode. The wheel has turned and like most American's with the coming of 2013, I've been thinking about getting in shape again.  I won't be making any resolutions, because I won't keep them, but I an very aware that I need to turn some things around.  I've just been *so* unmotivated to actually get them done.  I have to do something, I need to get moving again on many different levels.

When you work at home and are always "on call" scheduling things gets a little loosey goosey and that's part of what has happened with my life.  It's not working for me though and I need to come up with some self discipline and organization in my life.

I just came across this on the Disney Parks Blog, and couldn't love it more. It made me both laugh and cry.

That girl there, Jenna Boyd, crossing the finish line. She could easily be me. She looks like me, she just finished a half marathon. What the hell is my problem that I can't even find an hour in my day anymore to go out and take a walk.

I've got some serious re-organizing of my life to do.  If you stay tuned, I'll do my best to keep you updated on how that goes.