Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012 Journal

I haven't been to work out for a week. I could give you lots of excuses, I'm stressed, I've been in pain, I've had a ton to do on top of trying to pick up more hours at work. Take your pick, the fact is that I just haven't it gotten done. I should probably go tonight, but that's not going to happen either. I am in an awful lot of Fibromyalgia based pain, which can probably be attributed to the cold wet weather. I really need to go.

I keep asking myself if I'm really training for this half marathon or am I just playing a game. I wish I knew that answer. Since DH lost his job I've been having trouble finding a routine. I really need to create some habits and get with it, but every time I blink our lives keep changing. I suppose one could suggest that's all the more reason for me to create a regular work out routine. I'm just not sure yet where I can fit it in consistently.

The plan is that Tori and I will go tomorrow afternoon after she gets off of work. Ok. I can make that happen.

I WILL make that happen.

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